21st Annual Boulder Garden Tour

Saturday, June 28th, 2025

When: Saturday June 28th, 2025 9am-2pm
Where: Mapleton Hill Neighborhood, Boulder
What: Self-guided walking tour of unique, private gardens and homesteads, plus garden-themed edutainment at each stop
Why: To bring joy and inspiration, to connect with nature, and to learn how to create sustainable garden spaces

Thank you to our two-time presenting sponsor!

About the Garden Tour

  • At each stop, there will be “edutainment” on topics related to sustainable gardening and yard care such as native plants, backyard birds, regional seed banks, soil health, beekeeping and pollinator habitat.

  • Garden features will include vegetables, flowers, herbs, fruit trees, honey bees, native plants, mushroom beds, roof top gardens, natural gardens, and lots of special settings and amazing views!

  • New this year – Garden to Table will highlight different aspects of our educational program at each garden! Students, parents, volunteers, and staff will take visitors through sample lessons and demonstrations of our 20 years of impact on over 14,000 students.

  • The event will take place rain or shine, and no refunds will be made. All proceeds will benefit local nonprofit Garden to Table and school garden education for elementary students in Boulder County. www.gardentotable.org

About the Beneficiary, Garden To Table

  • Garden To Table is a local nonprofit organization that empowers school communities with gardens, curriculum, training and support to engage all students in experiential, outdoor education. 

  • Celebrating our 20th year of partnering with Boulder Valley School District!

  • Serving 6,500+ students and 340 teachers at 19 schools in Boulder County

  • All proceeds from the Garden Tour will help fund school garden programs, including all gardening supplies, garden management, standards-based lesson plans, teacher professional development, volunteer training, community engagement, and more 

Tickets available STARTING MARCH 3RD!